Catch All The Girlfriends! 2 Read online
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“Ah, welcome!” He re-arranged the trainer belt sitting lop-sided on his hip. “My name’s Chester. Let me show you around.”
Swimsuit Shenanigans
“As you can probably tell by now, us Sapphirans love being wet,” Chester said, with a twinkle in his eye.
Yoshi nodded. “What are the differences between the pipes and the canals?”
Chester visibly cringed. “We call them our slides. I know they’re tubular in shape, but that’s just their name. The slides are actually a recent addition to our city. They’ve only come in the last five years. Our mayor got them installed as a way to make use of the airspace to alleviate congestion from the canals.”
They had walked along the canal outside the Mr. Pampers towards the city. 10 minutes later, they arrived at an intersection. Speedboats had their own lane on the far left while pedestrians wearing the water skates (Chester had cringed and quickly corrected Yoshi when he called them mini jet-ski shoes) stayed to their right. The lights changed and the pedestrians and boats that had been banking up got going. At the corner of each side of the intersection were 10 to 12 slides of about six feet in diameter each.
“Still reckon they’re better off being called pipes,” Soph murmured to Crystal. Starry was gazing around curiously while Flick’s eyes sparkled in amazement, hands pressed into her cheeks while she glowed bright yellow.
Yoshi secretly agreed with Soph. Slides slid down. These pipes shot straight up 10 to 20 feet then sloped downwards before twisting off to their corner of the city. Yoshi ogled the half-dozen pink, feathered girlfriends standing by the slides, clad in bright yellow bikinis with a smiley face on each breast as well as on the butt. They had long yellow, hooked beaks with a black tip. They appeared to be alternating between directing trainers and girlfriends to the right slides and checking a giant digital map with flashing LEDs all over it.
“#2059 is ready!” one of them called from the map.
“Roger!” another responded, escorting a trainer to the seventh slide along. The trainer – also clad in boardshorts like Chester was – stepped through long strands of thick, flapping plastic. The feathered girlfriend waved and closed the door. “Have a safe trip!” she said brightly. She pulled a lever with a heavy ker-chunk. Through the small viewing panel, Yoshi could see the entire funnel fill with water rushing upwards. The next moment, the trainer was gone.
“Fiona Brigades are stationed at every key intersection, helping commuters quickly and safely select the right pipe for their destination.”
Fiona, that was her name! Yoshi knew that he had seen that girlfriend before. It was Spence’s and he fought it before he went to the Onyx Gym. I need to get a new GF-wiki, ASAP.
“So if it’s your first time, your best bet is to check out the Big Dish. It’s pretty much the middle of the city and has easy access to anywhere else you want to go. Shopping malls, restaurants, clubs, restaurants, the guild, the gym, the port…” Chester had been counting off his fingers and hesitated. “The Pink-Light District, if that’s what you’re into.”
“Pink-Light District?” Yoshi echoed.
Chester raised an eyebrow and his wave of green hair leaned over to the side. “Stay here long enough and you’ll find out what it is.”
“So I guess we’ll head on over to the Big Dish first.” Yoshi started moving towards the Fiona Brigade, surreptitiously adjusting his semi hard-on when Chester placed a hand on his shoulder.
“We have one rule here in Sapphire. Well, it’s not so much a rule, but more of a custom.” Yoshi furrowed his brow. “When using our slides or canals, you have to wear swimwear.”
“Oh.” Yoshi hadn’t been topless in public since the time he had been laughed out of the pool for having boobies as a self-conscious 13-year-old. It was ironic, considering it was Asshat who led the attack on him, who was easily double his weight at the time. Starting his journey as a trainer, not to mention losing his virginity, improved his fitness and his confidence. But that baggage was still there.
“So just me?”
“Your girlfriends can too if they would like. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind the chance to flaunt their stuff.” Chester winked at Flick and she glowed at a level 2 intensity pink. “See that little store over there?” He pointed at a small building with a sign at the front that said, ‘SWIMSOOTZ R US’. “Go there. After you’re done, come back here. Tell the girls you want to go to the Big Dish. I got to skidaddle. See you around town, yeah?”
“Welcome to SWIMSOOTZ R US!” the Felicity at the counter trilled.
Yoshi screwed his eyes shut. “Hi.”
“Sorry, I have to say it that way, it’s CAPITALIZED!” The water-type screeched happily.
“Oooh hey, sis!” Flick scampered over and clasped the hands of her kind. “You’re from Sapphire?”
“Mmhmm!” the storekeeper Felicity said brightly. “Wow, how do you do glow like that?”
“What? Oh, this?” She put on a quick color show at about a level 3 intensity.
“I’m a mutant!”
“AAAAAAARRRRRGGHHHHHH!” the other Fiona screamed. Yoshi didn’t even try to be polite this time, clasping his hands to his ears.
“Ahahahaha, I’m just kidding!” Flick said.
“Oh em eff, girl! You totally got me!”
Yoshi looked on exasperatedly. “Birds of a feather, eh?” He turned around, his three other girlfriends gone.
“You go on Yosh,” Flick said, grinning at her trainer. “I’m good to go.”
“Oh right, you lived in water. You sure you don’t want another set?”
It was no use. Flick was already laughing uproariously again with her sister. Yoshi ambled away to the men’s section. There was a section for board shorts and not much else. The remaining walls contained bikini sets.
He scanned the board shorts on offer, not particularly interested in any of the colors. He settled for one with brown and gray alternating waves, sorted through the sizes and picked out his. He turned around and swept the store. Where were the other three?
“That would look good on you, Starry!”
Ah, there they were. Soph and Starry stood by the reds, oranges and yellows. Starry was holding a red set, an unsure look on her face. “Hmmmm…”
“Stop it,” Soph said.
“Stop what?” Yoshi said, raising an eyebrow.
“Stop mentally undressing her.”
“What? I…” His hands flew to his junk, which was sticking out at a conspicuous angle. The interstellar-type smiled and bit her lip.
“Don’t think we don’t know what you’re doing. Come on.” She grabbed Starry’s hand and dragged her towards the change rooms.
“Hold on, I didn’t mean it!” Starry looked back, mouthing ‘sorry’ before disappearing into a room with her bird-kin friend.
Yoshi sighed. Not his fault his girlfriend was hot. For the record, red didn’t really suit her. For her dark hair and cool skin tone, she needed something from the blues, violets and indigos section.
Yoshi went to the other side of the store, scanned the racks and fished out a set that was close to the style of the one she was trying on, but amethyst in color.
Yoshi crossed the floor towards the change rooms. “Hello?” Hope this was the right one…
“Fuck off!” Soph spat.
“Nooope.” Yoshi turned on his heel.
He paused and turned back. There were twelve change rooms, six on each side. The voice came from further in.
“Who’s that?”
Hesitation. “Crystal.”
Yoshi walked towards the end. “Where are you?”
“I’m at the very end.” There was a quiet knock at the door to his right.
“Oh hey,” Yoshi said. He brought his face up close to the door. “Do you want me to get you another size, or…”
The door abruptly opened and so did Yoshi’s mouth. Crystal stood there, dressed in a white bikini wit
h black polka dots, looking extremely uncomfortable. He had gotten so used to seeing her wearing her jacket and jeans that he didn’t even consider what she looked like underneath. Her skin was the color of gravel but smooth. Her blonde hair was covering the left part of her face. She gripped her left elbow, unable to make contact with her trainer.
“How do I look?”
He looked her up and down. Her body was toned and defined but not overly so, giving her a visually pleasing figure.
“You look… really good.”
Wow Yoshi, really going all out to make your girlfriend feel special, aren’t ya?
“Do you… want to come in?” Crystal asked.
“What?” Yoshi blurted. He looked to his right. Soph and Starry hadn’t come out yet. What was taking them so long? The Felicities were still chattering and laughing their heads off. “Sure, why not.”
He stepped in and turned the latch shut. Crystal’s clothes were folded neatly and placed into a pile on a small, round ottoman in the corner. A full-length mirror on the wall reflected Crystal’s figure. She stood in the middle of the change room, looking even more uncomfortable than before.
“I can just leave if you–”
Crystal stared at herself in the mirror, chest rising and falling with each breath.
“If you don’t want to go through the slide, I can withdraw you and–”
She turned around and looked at Yoshi. “You’re my first trainer.”
How did you respond to that?
Not breaking eye contact, she reached behind her, pulled the string and let her polka dot bikini bra drop to the floor. Ignoring Yoshi’s jaw slamming the floor, she slid her bikini bottom down and stepped out of it. She picked both items up standing naked in front of him.
“I need to get used to being your girlfriend.”
She got down on her knees, undid the front button on his jeans and pulled them down. His member was straining through his pants, a small, wet patch right at the tip. She guided him over to the other long ottoman by the wall directly in front of the mirror.
“I need to get comfortable being around you. To do that, I need to get comfortable touching you. Without any warning, she slid her hands under the waistband of his underwear and pulled it down. His erection doinged up. She looked at it for a moment, as if appraising it. Then she turned her calm eyes up to Yoshi, eyeing his T-shirt. It didn’t take long for it to end up on the floor along with the rest of his clothes.
She spent a minute carefully folding them up, putting them in a pile under hers. Seconds later, she was inches in front of him. In fact, she was so close that Yoshi’s Johnson was just touching her stomach. She closed the distance and brought her lips close to Yoshi’s. They were cool but surprisingly moist. They parted, her hand resting on the head of his erection.
“Sit down.” Yoshi did as he was told and Crystal kneeled again. She slowly caressed his penis, changing the grip and pressure every so often. The speed was slow and deliberate, as if she was memorizing every curve and vein on it.
“Does this feel good?” Yoshi nodded dumbly. Satisfaction momentarily lit her eyes. She brought her mouth to within inches of his knob. She opened it, but held her head still. Yoshi didn’t move either; the last time he had tried to take control of a blowjob, he had almost stabbed a hole in the back of Starry’s head.
“I’m… not going to do this,” she said, giving a kiss to the side of his length.
“That’s… OK,” Yoshi said weakly. Was she deliberately trying to tease him?
She stood up and straddled Yoshi, sitting down on his legs. She shuffled herself close to him, draping her arms around his shoulders. She looked at him, eyes fathomless but soft. She kissed him again, deeper this time. She was becoming more and more relaxed, that’s for sure. She was peculiar, though. It really did feel like she was doing this more so as a personal challenge rather than out of lust. Whatever. At the end of the day, Yoshi had a naked girlfriend on him.
She shuffled back, letting the top of Yoshi’s penis drag across her vagina before it sprang back up. She cradled it with both hands, rubbing it up and down at the same cadence as before. Seeming to make up her mind, she stood up and positioned him closer to her entrance.
She gently lowered herself, using his tool to separate her outer vaginal lips. Yoshi could feel her warmth and wetness on top. She lowered herself another inch and his head was inside. Crystal closed her eyes, her mouth slightly open.
“Hey, anyone seen where that dick head went?” Soph shouted. Crystal’s eyes flew open and she leaped off Yoshi like an electrocuted cat.
That dick head was going to go on a wet and wild adventure until you cock blocked me.
“Just trying on some board shorts,” Yoshi called. “Get that polka dot set,” he whispered to the rock-type. You look smashing in them.”
The Big Dish
“Just remember, pinch your nose!”
The pink-feathered Fiona shut the door. The latch turned and Yoshi was sealed inside the vertical tube. He glanced up. It seemed to extend 20 to 30 feet. He looked back down through the small window, just in time to see the Fiona waving.
A jet the force of a waterfall shot up, slamming into Yoshi before he could bring his hand to his face. He yelled, allowing water to run into his mouth and straight down his throat.
Holy Frank, I’m going to die in a water slide.
He coughed and spluttered, not knowing which way was up or down as he tumbled over and over on the charging geyser. Out of nowhere, another water cannon blasted him, sending him in another direction. His butt came into contact with solid metal. Suddenly, he was zipping and sliding downwards. The only problem was that he was back to front, meaning the water was flowing down over him and into his nose again.
This time he pinched his nose but still he spluttered. His head crashed into the sides of the slide and he careened to and fro.
“No!” He gurgled helplessly, allowing more of the slide water to run into his mouth. His boxers had caught on something and were yanked off.
If he didn’t die from drowning, he would die from embarrassment. How many people would be at the Big Dish anyway? If it was Sapphire’s central meeting point, there could be thousands, maybe tens of thousands. 10,000 people seeing his little Yoshi flapping about.
But big Yoshi didn’t have time to worry about that. The slide had bottomed out and curved up, shooting him into the air. He somersaulted, vision of buildings, people looking up and a large, circular expanse of water zooming in quickly.
Aaaaand he was under again. Luckily this time he had taken a deep breath before hitting the water. Currents collected him and pushed him about. Seconds later, he was rising. His feet came into contact with a rubbery, solid surface. He clawed at it with his hands, eventually gaining purchase. Yoshi hauled himself up, bedraggled but thankfully out of the water. Warm air blew up from vents underneath.
There was a deep ‘POP’ as one of Yoshi’s girlfriends was ejected from the slide. After a few seconds of airtime, she re-entered the water to spontaneous applause.
Heh. Must be Flick.
She had been completely bewitched by this city the moment she set her eyes on it. Yoshi couldn’t blame her. After days of being in the dank Celeste Caverns and being used as a human torchlight, being in a wonderfully wet environment must have been a huge relief.
“Ahahahaha! This guy’s lost his swimmers!” a random guy jeered.
“Fuck off,” Yoshi swore under his breath.
“Look, at the jumbo screen! Can someone get him a towel or something?” someone else said.
Jumbo screen? Yoshi sat up, propping himself up with his hands behind him. Momentarily not giving a shit that his family jewels were on display, he looked in the direction that everyone else was looking in. Sure enough, there were super slow-mo replays of h
im cartwheeling through the air. Thankfully, whoever was editing this in real time had mercifully pixelated his junk.
Yoshi’s bag, completed wrapped in a water-proof bag landed between his legs, an inch away from his dong.
“You OK?” Flick said, wringing her pink hair out.
“Yeah, fine,” said the not-fine Yoshi. One by one, the other three walked out of the water. Crystal had ended up buying the polka dot set, while Starry and Sophie ended up going for a solid gray and a tan set respectively.
“Hahaha, did you actually lose your trunks in the slide?” Soph asked, hands on hips. Yoshi wrapped his arms closer around the bag. “You did! Hahaha!”
“Stop it Soph, it’s not funny.” Starry was doing her best to defend his pride but her failure to suppress her giggles betrayed her.
Crystal ripped open the plastic, flipped open Yoshi’s bag and rummaged through it. Seconds later, she pulled out his phone. Scanning the area, she spotted what she was after and strode off.
“What’s gotten into her?” Soph asked.
“She’s heading for that swimsuit store over there,” Flick said, gesturing with her head. “Being a good girlfriend, unlike us.” She tried to keep a straight face, but snorted.
Everyone was still looking towards the large screen but not because they were watching replays of other people coming through the slides. A terse man with a square jaw and deep-set eyes clutched a microphone and stared into everyone’s souls. Of course, he was dressed only in swimming trunks too. The words ‘BREAKING NEWS’ blared out of the screen.
“This is Sam Billings with Channel 44. I’m here at Sapphire Town Hall where extraordinary scenes are playing out, as Mayor Trev Arlington is being arrested by the Federal Elite Strike Squad on suspicion of deliberately withholding information about illegal mining occurring in the Celeste Caverns.”
In the background, two Chernoires with magnificent antlers led a man out in cuffs. The cameraman jostled forward along with Sam. They joined a throng of reporters huddled at the bottom of the steps of the building.